Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blue Ocean / Happy Task

a poem
by Harold Bono Gandhi

So what is this blue ocean and how do I sail it?
How do I ride upon these waters of greatness?
How do I explore the depths of this vast Mediterranean, this subterranean of my heart and mind?
How do I push past the insistent, conscious obligations that fix themselves like barnacles to my eyes and ears, that cover my smell and taste, and see through to sense the possible?

How do I clear the way, the path, to a life infused with enthusiasm?

Is it possible to find this answer, this treasure?
To discover what you don't know you don’t know, but would want to if you only knew it was there?

This requires a revelation, a god-vision,
A seeing from a place still mysterious to another place also mysterious.

The joy, the work, the glory,
Is when work brings joy and the work brings glory,
When the work is play and the play is work and confusing the two is a happy task.

That is it: the happy task. That is the blue ocean.

'Blue Ocean Strategy' by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne is a book I admire a great deal.